I never thought that I would be so busy, all of the time! I definetly t
hought I would be able to blog more! I really do apologize! I have yet to make a video blog, I know, but I will try and come up with something soon! I upload pictu
res to facebook, then get so frustrated with how slow that happens that I forget to blog and show you all! This past week has been 'ministry week' and we have not really been at the school, but mainly in Udine and other small cities. I haven't taken too many pictures l
ately simply because we have been so busy. Here are a few from when we went to Verona:
Once again, to see the whole picture, right click and open in a new window or tab! Sorry that they are so big!
I really love coke, and I really love the Italian cans! At this bar they even brought me ice!

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